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朝鮮通信使硏究 Vol.22 No. pp.129-169
통신사행록에 반영된 일본의 통과의례 - 계미사행 중심으로 -
노경자 부산대학교 국어국문학과 박사과정
Key Words : Joseon-Tongsinsa,Tongsinsahaengrok,Rite of Passage,Gyemi-sahaeng,Custom of Japan


The Rite of Passage presents differently depending on lifestyle, social system and living habits. Especially in Japan which is located geographically close to Korea, their rites of passage have many heterogeneities compare to Korea. Those points are illustrated well in Sahaengrok that written by Jeseon-Tongsinsa in late Joseon. This paper examined Japan's rites of passage on the Gyemi-sahaeng, 1764. Tongsinsa often considered Japanese as savage barbarians when after they carefully considering their rites of passage. This is because they looked at Japan's custom with their own confucian view so that they deplored about the absence of confucian order in Japan. By far, we could understand culture and custom of Japanese and also could have a sense of Tongsinsa's recognition to them. Since the Sahaengrok is, however, written by observer's view and recorded through questions and answers, it is unfortunate that the details of rites and orders are mostly omitted.
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