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朝鮮通信使硏究 Vol.23 No. pp.67-100
영국 ‘키플린 홀(Kiplin Hall)' 소장 ≪조선통신사 선단도≫에 관한 고찰
윤지혜 세이난가쿠인[西南学院] 대학 국제문화학부 준교수
James B. Lewis Oxford University 동양학과 교수
Key Words : Joseon Tongsinsa,Paintings of Ships,Picture Scrolls,Kiplin Hall,UK


There is an art museum called Kiplin Hall in a small village of Yorkshire in North-England. The Kiplin Hall consists of a grand building(Jacobean House) built 400 years ago, beautiful gardens and wide grounds where sheep graze. The museum is filled with collections of artworks gathered in the 1920s by businessman Humphrey Talbot(1883-1944). It turned out that the collection there comprised work depicting Joseon Tongsinsa and their ships that never had been published before. It was a new discovery. The paintings related to Joseon Tongsinsa were displayed in two places in Kiplin Hall. The first place is a room where East Asian style works are displayed. There are four works on the wall where “Kawagozabune”(roofed river boats with tatami reserved for nobles) provided by Japan commonly seen in paintings depicting Joseon Tongsinsa's ships(Group A). The paintings were cut out from their original picture scrolls and displayed in a picture frame. Another group of works are four pieces that are hung in the corridor. Like the works in the room, these were also cut out from picture scrolls(Group B). Especially in this work Group B the Korean persons and their ships were drawn in a way as I have never seen before in my research on Joseon Tongsinsa. Furthermore, there are no examples of works that drew Korean ships with such precision as these. How many pieces of picture scrolls were purchased by Humphrey Talbot and cut out to be put in picture frames to begin with? There is no record to this regard and it could only be clarified through the analysis of the works. It has not been clarified when, where, and why the works were purchased. Currently, there is an album with a photograph of a room of the Kiplin Hall, which is thought to have been taken after his death. In this room with a wall fireplace, a table and a chair, there are five Picture frames depicting a ship. In the explanation of the Picture frame "the Japanese paintings of ships" was written. This is the only record on these ships paintings. In this paper, since similar works already existed in Japan and Korea for the works of Group A, I could explore the details by comparing these works with the existing works. Regarding the works of group B, since these were completely new works, which I have never seen before, I analyzed the works by studying the depicted background mainly using dissertations etc. and at the same time I also focused attention on the paintings method of the persons and the ships. I hope that the discovery of these works in the UK will further develop the research on Joseon Tongsinsa.
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