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朝鮮通信使硏究 Vol.26 No. pp.1-57
조선통신사의 해양인식에 대해서
박화진 부경대학교 사학과교수
Key Words : Joseon Tongsinsa,Jeonboelyeon,Haesinje,Direction of the wind,Sail,the Cognition of Ocean of Joseon Tongsinsa


The Joseon Tongsinsa was the diplomatic corps carrying the king' s message were sent from Joseon to Edo Bakuhu at the Joseon Dynasty. It took around four months to eleven months by returning home , and about 12,000 li( 里) in distance. It 、''as very hard travel by sailing Daehan Straits which are very dangerous , therefore the government gave several parties called Jeonboelyoen for encouragement. Jeonboelyoen was the official ceremony of four times in Chungju and Andong and Goengju and Busan at the first time of the late Joseon Dynasty, but only Busan was held from 1719 year by the Official document. But it was held more times from 1719 years by concrete analysis. Hae Sin Je at Young Ga Dae in Busan was a significant ceremony held by Joseon Tongsinsa who wished a safe voyage to Japan by performing a sacrificial service to appease a sea god. According to the recordsOiterature cited) , it is said that Hae Sin Je at Young Ga Dae followed the procedure of Hadokeui in wKuk jo 0 Re Euú , but it is hardly likely to find any other detailed references to the things needed to the sacrificial service except WHaeyurok~and ~Il guangú , 『SinmitongsinIlrok』. Compared to those of Hadokeui in 『Kuk Jo 0 Re Eui』 , the services in 『Haeyurok』 and 『Ilguangi』 , 『SinmitongsinIlrok』 have less things in terms of the kinds and numbersCor amount). It is estimated that it's due to the distinctive features of the place and time holding the service. The sailing of Joseon Tongsinsa had been awfully dangerous , therefore it was prepared concretely by several steps in Busan. The preparations of the sailing was the check of ships and the wind , the weather, the tide. The embarkation of the ships and Ha Sin Je were also very important. The Joseon Tongsinsa was prepared very carefully the their sailing , but they gulped down by the angry waves from the leaving of Busan Port. They were very much dangerous between life and death. They had many sailing accidents , but they were not killed in the sailing accidents. It was thanks to the wisdom of the sailing and meteorology o[ our ancestor in Korean pre-modern.
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