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朝鮮通信使硏究 Vol.26 No. pp.101-136
町田一仁 下関市立歷史博物館長
Key Words : UNESCO Memorγ of the World,Records that are not Nominated,Records of Entertainment,Records of Conversation by Poetry-Writing,Preservation and Application of a Cultural Property


“ Documents on Joseon Tongsinsa/Chosen Tsushinshi" which have been in custody in Japan and Korea, comprise a total of 111 articles(333 items) were nominated for the International Memory of the World Register in October 2017. However, these records comprise only a few documents that remain in various locations all over the world, including both countries. This is because these documents are nominated as a representative of the documents as a whole and meet the minimum requirements to testify to the signification and uniqueness of the diplomatic missions. Most of the documents are of great significance to studying the missions regardless of whether or not they are nominated, or they have a high scholarly value. The records that are not nominated should be put on the UNESCO World Heritage List in the future so that the preservation and application of a whole cultural property can follow. To do this, this paper tries to introduce the related documents located in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, classified by provinces and by owners. Most of all there are a number of travel records in archives in Yamaguchi Prefecture and Iwakuni Chokokan , most of which have not been fully researched ye t. It can be expected that these documents will be studied further in the future.
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