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朝鮮通信使硏究 Vol.27 No. pp.1-57
계미(寶曆13년)통신사 應接과 迎聘교섭
신문희 기타규슈대학원박사연구원
Key Words : Tongsinsa,Chawae,Tsushima-Clan,Weakwan,Ritual Gift


This study examines original documents of the negotiation between Tsushima-Clan and Korean government, of the cooperation between Tsushima-Clan and Hagi (Möri)-Clan of Korean correspondent envoy in the 13th year of Hðrekl; in 1763, which reached to Edo for the last time. It discusses the meaning of the Korean correspondent envoy and the reason of their suspension from the viewpoint of the political system of the Shogunate State of those days. In the first chapter, it argues the reception of Daimyös for the Korean Correspondent Envoy in the 13th year of HðrekÍ, in 1763, by the documents of Hagi(Möri)-Clan to conclude that they were afraid to make unexpected precedent and they became conceited from their abundant records of experience. Beyond the royalties for Tokugawa Shogunate, sympathy arouse among Daimyös who were engaged in the reception under the administration of Shogunate in place of disappear of circumspection for the reception of Korean correspondent envoy. On the other hand, the order of the Shogunate was given to the lord of Tsushima and the chief retamer of Tsushima-Clan m Edo. It reflects the administration of Shogunate and the relation between Shogunate and Tsushima- Clan in the middle of the eighteenth century. In the second chapter, the government officials of Tourajf u(Foreign Office at Dongnea) intended to keep their precedent to avoid to make undesirable precedent while the officials responsible of Tsuahima-Clan would restrict the precedent to the phase of documents and ceremomes and they asserted that the number of semor councilors had to be changed m the feudal system of the Shogunate state different from the bureaucracy of the dynasty of Korea to achieve their demand on the presents from Korea to the Shogunate. It shows an evidence that the diplomatic system of Korean correspondent envoy reached a dead end at m 1763. Also in 1763, independent judgment of Tsushima-Clan was disappeared as opposed to absolutely depend on the ambassadors were seemed to had final right of decide on Korean side.
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