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朝鮮通信使硏究 Vol.27 No. pp.107-186
한국의 전통선박 변천과정과 조선통신사선 재현에 관한 연구
홍순재 문화재청 국립해양문화재연구소
Key Words : Joseon Tongsinsa,Joseon Tongsinsa Ship,Jeongsa Ship,Structure,Hull Form


The history of Korea's ships begins with a log raft, and the development of tools shows a log ship dug up inside the log, and develops into a quasi-structural ship that digs through the log and aUaches several to each other. Afterwards, the curved natural wood is refined to fit the structure, and it is developed into a structural ship that aUaches itself to each other and closes the wooden nails. The perfect type of structural ship was not only developed on the coast of Korea, but also on cultural exchanges with China and Japan through the sea route. Among them, the Joseon Tongsinsa ship was built and operated by a country that engaged in cultural exchanges between Korea and Japan during the Joseon Dynasty. During the four-year period from 2015 to 2018, this document summarizes and describes the details of ancient document and painting data analysis, two types of estimation design, execution design for reproducibility, shipbuilding engineering analysis for navigation performance and stability, and structure.
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