朝鮮通信使硏究 Vol.32 No. pp.237-270
조선통신사 방문과 후쿠오카번[福岡藩] 아이노시마[相島] - 도민(島民)이 본 통신사(通信使) 객관(客館)을 중심으로 -
Key Words : Ainosima,the Lodgings,Yoshimura-Josuke,Yudaitei,Kamei-Nanmei
Fukuoka-Han received Chosenchusinsi 11 times at Ainosima, it is commonly accepted that Chosenchusinsi was entertained at Yudaitei(『有待亭』) on the ridge of a mountain by old folks of Ainosima. But the travels of Chosenchusinsi and the pictures of Li-Senglin(Saroshenggudo, 『槎路勝区図』) and the picture of Iwakuni-Hanshi(Ainosimazu, 『藍島図』) expressed the place of the lodgings which was located near almost 5minutes from the seashore, therefore the Education committee of Zingucho had doubts about the correct place of the lodgings. The committee excavated the remains on 1995, they finally found out that the site was the southwest of Ainosima. After that time, the ZinguchoChosi Compilation Committee posed a problem that the entertainment of Chosenchusinsi from the 1st to the 6th of Edo-period was at Yudaitei(『有待亭』) on the ridge of a mountain such as oral tradition of the old folks. This paper would uncover that the Lodgings had been near seashore of the southwest of Ainosima from the beginning by many-sided analysis such as the 4th and the 6th travels of Chosenchusinsi. It was commonly accepted that Kamei- Soyou named Yudaitei(『有待亭』) of the retired place of Yoshimura-Josuke by now, but kamei-Namei which was the father of Kamei-Soyou named with analyzing Yudaiteiki(『有待亭記』). The reception of Chosenchusinsi demand considerable sacrifice to people of Ainosima, therefore Chosenchusinsi would not be circulated. The reason would be some impact that Meiji Governmenet demand the teacher a tributary state with the textbook, and Chosenchusinsi was not written at the textbook from 1945 to 1975 year. But the stories of Chosenchusinsi were commended greatly at the documents and ruins and festival. This time, the all lodgings of Chosenchusinsi was found out the southwest of Ainosima from 1st to 11th. The problem awaiting a solution would be the chronometry of broken pieces of ceramics and so on.