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朝鮮通信使硏究 Vol.33 No. pp.163-180
조선통신사의 후쿠오카 번령[福岡藩領]에서의 교류와 견문 - 통신사 기행문을 중심으로-
모리토모 다카시 키타큐슈 시립자연사ㆍ역사박물관 학예원
Key Words : ChosenTsushinshi,the Fukuoka domain,the cultural exchange


This is consideration to the cultural exchange between ChosenTsushinshi(the Korean Emissary) to Japan and feudal retainer of domains in the Edo. Especially, a case study of the Kuroda clan is subject of analysis. Chosen Tsushinshi's journals namely Haeyurok(海游錄), Dongsaillgi(東槎日記) and so on are very useful. As a result, differences in culture and customs between Japan and Chōsen became clear:Government office system, Bestowal of Henki, Bushi's Honor consciousness, Burei uchi, Responsive costs. Probably, Chosen Tsushinshi couldn't understand these. Though Japan and Chōsen were Kanji cultural sphere, it was natural that. Noble‐looking man watched Chosen Tsushinshi. It's one example. The Japanese were interested in Chosen Tsushinshi. They observed sharply that Fukuoka clan thought at that time. Because it wasn't recorded, there was a new discovery. Chosen Tsushinshi's journals tell us new historical facts. They have potential of study.
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